Make a difference

Every donation you make will help these organisations do amazing things for the community.

Kilang Reroot

Kilang ReRoot focuses on efficient management in every stage of the food cycle, emphasising on waste recovery to prevent food waste from being dumped in landfills.

$8 / $100 raised

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$18 / $100 raised

Eco Ponies Garden

A family-run community farm-stay that focuses on sustainable gardening and living!

$9 / $100 raised

FERA Health & Nursing Care

SCRUBS, FERA Health & Nursing Care is a strong supporter of COVID-relief causes in the nation. As part of the collective team effort Peradian (a responsibility shared between FERA, BIG BWN, Kunyit 7 Lodge and Simon Adinin), FERA Nursing works toward providing front-liners with the daily protection needed in our fight against this pandemic, such as scrubs, face masks and face shields. They’re currently looking for funds to assist in buying scrubs for medical staff across the country! Scrubs are charged at $20 per set, however please feel free to donate any amount that you feel comfortable with. We are very grateful for any and all contributions!

$3 / $2000 raised

FERA Health & Nursing Care

FACE SHIELDS, FERA Health & Nursing Care is a strong supporter of COVID-relief causes in the nation. As part of the collective team effort Peradian (a responsibility shared between FERA, BIG BWN, Kunyit 7 Lodge and Simon Adinin), FERA Nursing works toward providing front-liners with the daily protection needed in our fight against this pandemic, such as scrubs, face masks and face shields. They’re currently looking for funds to assist in buying face shields for front liners across the country! Please feel free to donate any amount that you feel comfortable with. We are very grateful for any and all contributions!

$3 / $1000 raised

Reef Check

A non-governmental organization dedicated to the conservation of ocean reef ecosystems in Brunei through education, research and conservation awareness!

$3 / $100 raised

Sejahtera Community

Sejahtera Community is a group of passionate animal lovers in Brunei Muara District who volunteers their time to help and care for the strays!

$3 / $100 raised

Paws Up

An Adoption and Rehoming Program based in Brunei to help the stray communities!

$49 / $100 raised


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Book for schools


Meals for children


Trees being planted


Animals being fed